Thursday 23 June 2011

Tips For Panic Attacks To Regain control Of Your Life

Everyone has felt a sense of anxiety as they prepare to give a speech or presentation before a live audience. The heart starts to race and the mouth feels like it is full of cotton. The stress is unbelievable. You feel sweaty, you start to shake uncontrollably, your breathing becomes labored and short, you grow dizzy and you can't understand why your body is betraying you.  All the more reason you need tips for panic attacks.  On top of all this misery, your chest tightens to the point where you are certain you will stop breathing at any moment. 

Whatever the reason for this panic attack, knowing how to control it all is sure to be important. Even more critical would be finding out how to keep them from happening as often as they do. 

The problem with it all is that regularly prescribed treatments being practiced these days bring on confusion in the patient, and cause dizziness to develop. 

Contemporary plans to control panic attacks involve the use of drugs such as benzodiazepines, which has lorazepam and valium as active ingredients. These are used because they go after the chemical imbalance of the brain and work to fix it. When attacks become extremely bad, then it is possible that doctors will give shots containing benzodiazepines.

What is not so good about using these kinds of drugs in treating panic attacks are that they are only short term solutions that can cause an addiction in the patient. Trying to break a patient of the use of these drugs just makes anxiety issues worse. Side effects in using these drugs are confusion, as we mentioned, as well as dizziness, but also weakening of the muscles and drowsiness. Even using an alternative drug like Propranolol does much the same thing with similar results and side effects. Sure heart palpitations are lessened, and sweating is mitigated, but the sensations of fear brought on by anxiety still affect the sufferer. Also, wheezin and dizziness can happen as a side effect. 

What follows are some panic attack tips that should help, so that the use of drugs can be lessened or even done away with altogether. for instance, learning how to relax and breathe deeply help tremendously in controlling anxiety. 

Exercising regularly falls in line with that, along with the fact that endorphins are raised to higher levels in the brain. Endorphins are the natural way of feeling good. You'll want to exercise for at least a half hour every day, even if it just means taking a swim or going for a walk. 

Another good exercise-driven routine that promotes relaxation and a sense of well being is yoga. Muscles get relaxed and oxygen levels in the bloodstream throughout the body are improved. This leads to being in a better mood. Also, yoga does very well with learning how to breathe the right way to develop control and chase away any panic attack. 

An example would be diaphragmatic breathing, which are exercises where you learn to regulate breathing, taking in deeper breaths that lower anxious emotions. 

The purpose of breathing into a paper sack when an attack occurs is to gather all the carbon dioxide that is expelled, and returning it to the blood stream to restock it. It is always a good idea, therefore, to have a paper sack on your person, in case of an attack. 

Another idea that appears to be working for sufferers is what is known as cognitive behavior therapy. 

What this entails is going after negative thoughts, in hopes of turning them around to the point where the emotions tied into such negativity aren't so powerful as to trigger anxious feelings that lead to an attack. 

I pray that my tips for panic attacks have helped you.

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