Tuesday 12 July 2011

How To Get Girls Into Bed

Many of my male friends have asked me questions like how to get girls into bed.

So, what does turn a woman on? Well today I’ll give you and my friends 3 things you MUST possess to make your lady-friend horny.

1) Confidence Yes the old reliable confidence without a doubt makes women want a man. Why? Because a confident man by definition is comfortable in his own skin. He doesn’t need validation from anyone let alone a female. This self-assured “I’m good just being me” attitude is very seductive to women. The simplest way to gain hold of your inner confidence is to just be comfortable with who you are. When you’re comfortable with yourself and not trying to be like anyone else you’ll have your own unique swag which others will try to emulate. BE YOURSELF. It’s cliche, but if you’re still asking you’re still not in possession of this most basic quality.

2) Superiority Women gravitate towards men they can’t have. Very attractive women are notoriously stuck-up when they move out and about and rightfully so seeing the weak pick up attempts thrown their way. The thing is their apparent superiority has been given to them by these men with their weak game and inflates their ego. Now if a man comes at her with a different approach with him placing himself on the pedestal and demonstrating superiority to her, she gets confused because this in itself is breaking the status quo. You see women want to have a man they view as a catch and this is true especially for hot women. It’s almost a badge of honor. You have to not only think, but know in your heart of hearts that you are the shit. When you start thinking this way, there isn’t anything a person can say to you that will offend you because only you decide what’s true about yourself and women love this. She’ll always consider this type of man to be her personal project. She wants to not only reform, but conquer him and prove she is better. While an ordinary nice-guy has already been conquered based off his kiss-ass mode of operation with her. While the inferior nice guy is smiling at everything she says thinking this will make her like him the superior man is either expressionless or has a smirk on his face depending on what she says. Adopt the persona of the superior man and watch your sex life skyrocket.

3) Boldness As Machiavelli wrote “fortune favors the bold and fortune is a woman”. Women do and always will favor men who approach life with boldness because this implies an adventurous streak which they all want. Remember women live for drama and boldness brings an element of spontaneity which for the most part is absent in everyday life. Try this for instance: the next time you’re in a public place and there is an attractive woman you want to approach, then follow Nike’s motto and do it. Remember you have to be confident, superior and bold wrapped up into one alpha male package and you’re offering her a serving of greatness. The key is you’re confident enough to approach, you’re superior enough to not care if she doesn’t like you and you’re bold enough to approach her in a public place risking embarrassment.

 These 3 qualities are a must-have for any womanizer who knows how to get girls into bed because without this foundation you’ll just be pulling out your credit card for your next porn subscription.

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